Cycle Rotherham

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What is Trail Cycling?
Trail cycling is one of the most enjoyable forms of cycling, as it enables both the confident and not so confident rider to enjoy the benefits of the open countryside and urban areas by following off-road routes.

Where are the Routes and Trails?
Thanks to the National Cycle Network, the Trans Pennine Trail, the National Parks, Local Authorities, and other organisations, there now exists a series of safe, traffic-free lanes and quiet on-road routes that connect to every major city and pass within a mile of 55 per cent of UK homes.  This network now stretches for 14,000 miles across the length and breadth of the UK.

To get more information regarding routes in the Rotherham area, visit the Trans Pennine Trail and the Sustrans mapping sites.

What type of Bike do I need?
If you go out on the local routes and trails at weekend you will see a whole host of different cycles in use. These range from touring bikes, hybrid bikes, mountain bikes, electric bikes, recumbent bicycles, and even the odd BMX. However, one type of cycle you will rarely see is the fully fledged road-racing bike. Why? Basically it’s all about wheels and tyres. The wheels must be strong enough to take the extra stresses of off-road riding, and the tyres have to be wide enough to protect the wheel rim from potholes and stones. The tyres also need to have a good gripping surface. So as you can see the choice of bike is down to personal preference. Nevertheless the happiest the medium for this type of riding is probably the hybrid bicycle.

Ted Mullins Rotherham TPT and Sustrans Volunteer
Co-ordinating Ranger

South Yorkshire Cycle routes - Cycle Route Planner

Rotherham Cycling Routes 

Trans Pennine Trail

Trans Pennine Trail (Central) - Map | Sustrans





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Cyling Rotherham

1. Raising the profile of the importance
of cycling for health and the environment.

2. Campaigning for the improvement
of existing routes and infrastructures and
the provision of new routes and opportunities
to develop cycling.

3. Educating and informing Rotherham
residents about the benefits of cycling.

4. Supporting existing cycling
programmes to develop.

Watch the video for tips on riding safely

Driver & Cyclist Safety Tips

How to Ride Your Bike on a Road With Traffic

How To Start Cycling Lessons For Beginners

Tips & Techniques for Road Cycling